Did you cancel/suspend your utilities after the earthquake?
Following the April 16th earthquake, basic services in Bahia may not make sense for many condo owners as many have been slated as...

BUYING IN A NEW REAL ESTATE PROJECT IN ECUADOR At EcuaAssist we recommend that the person interested in purchasing a property in a...

Now you can buy alcohol on Sundays.... Beginning May 31st 2016, by ministerial agreement 7231, the Ministry of Government approved the...

Getting a Driver's License in Ecuador
Getting a Driver’s License in Ecuador The topic of driver’s licenses has been a recurrent topic in the last months. At EcuaAssist, we...

Can you work in Ecuador? (work permit)
EcuaAssist Legal Tip (work permit) If a person is the holder of an Ecuadorian residence visa, they are automatically allowed to take part...

Ecuador Rated #1 in 2014 Expat Survey
InterNations recently released the results of their 2014 Expat Survey and guess which country came out on top. You got it, Ecuador! The...

What is the best city in Ecuador for you?
Ecuador is a country rich in diversity. Each of its regions provides a different culture with different customs and lifestyles. One of...

Top 10 Reasons to Retire in Ecuador
10. Climate No matter what kind of climate you prefer, Ecuador has it. The coastal region provides a perpetual summer for those who...

Benefits for Seniors in Ecuador
To receive the following benefits, a person over 65 must carry a cedula or passport justifying legal status in the country. You do not...

Healthy Living in Ecuador, Part 2
When we talk about having access to fresh food, most folks probably think of fruits and vegetables…and that’s true! When we go to the...