12 YEARS TAX REVENUE EXCEPTION (Ecuador 2019) update

According to the 26th article of the Ecuadorian PRODUCTIVE PROMOTION ACT, the following activities will be subjected to it, as long as they are made outside Quito and Guayaquil:
Production Investment.- Understood as a productive investment, regardless of the types of property, the flow of resources destined to produce goods and services, to expand the productive capacity and to generate sources of work in the Ecuadorian national economy;
New Investment.- Understood as the investment of resources to increase the capital stock of the economy, through an effective investment in productive assets that allow the expansion of future productive capacity, generate a higher level of production of goods and services, or generate new sources of work, under the terms set forth in the regulations.
Note: The change of ownership of productive assets that are already in operation as well as the credits to acquire these assets do not constitute as a new investment for the purposes of these benefits.
Here is the list of the beneficiary businesses of these benefits:
1.- Agriculture / frozen and industrialized foods;
2. Forest industry and agroforestry and its finished products;
3. Metalworking;
4. Petrochemical and oleochemical;
5. Pharmaceutical;
6. Tourism, cinematography and audiovisuals; and, international events.-
Under these conditions of: Creating new jobs according to its category:
MyPIMES categories
6.a.- Micro empresa (Micro Enterprise): Between 1 to 9 employees and gross sales equal or under 300k USD. 6.b.- Pequeña empresa (Small Enterprise): Between 10 to 49 employees and gross sales starting in 300.001USD up to 1MM USD. 6.c.- Mediana empresa (Medium Enterprise): Between 50 to 199 employees and gross sales from 1.000.001 up to 5 MM USD.
7. Renewable energies;
8. Logistic Services;
9. Biotechnology and Software;
10. Export of services;
11. Software development and services, production and development of technological hardware, digital infrastructure, computer security, digital products and content, and online services;
l. Energy efficiency;
m. Industrial materials and sustainable building technologies;
n. Agroindustrial and agro-associative sector.-and
o. The strategic economic sector determined by the Ecuadorian President, based on the recommendations issued by the Sectorial Council for Production.