Temporary Residency Visa (TRV) Ecuador, time allowed to be out of the country. (2017)
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Temporary Residency Visa (TRV) Ecuador, time allowed to be out of the country. (2017)

Since February 6th 2017 the new Human Mobility law (Ley de Movilidad Humana) become effective and the immigration laws of Ecuador ruling from the 70´s were derogated, in this summarized free information we are going to explain in a very simple and straight forward way how the immigration rules about how much time a person can stay out of Ecuador when is the holder of a Temporary Residency Visa in Ecuador.

The Temporary Residency Visas are valid only for 2 years and they can be renewed just one time, and regarding what the law says about the time allowed for a Temporary Residency Visa holder is: “Art. 65 (Human Mobility Act).- Continuity of Residency. The temporary resident can leave the country for up to 90 days for each year, accumulative within the residency period. In case of infringement, the authority of migratory control will impose a punishment as indicated in the migratory faults of this law.

The economic fine established on the rule number 7 of the article 170 of The Human Mobility Act: “The temporary resident that leaves the country in accumulative 90 days each year during the period of validity of its residency visa will be facing a fine of 3 minimum wages of Ecuador

In any case, is our recommendation to keep yourself aware of the time you spent out of the country and a good way to keep track of this is requesting at the airport a Movimiento Migratorio, this document only costs $5 USD, and will let you know how many days you have registered at Immigration official system.

Below an informative diagram on how the time allowed out of the country rule works:

For more information about temporary or permanent residency visas in Ecuador, email us at info@ecuaassist.com


EcuaAssist has been awared for 2 consecutive years (2016-2017) as immigration law firm of the year in Ecuador.

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