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Ecuador‘s exit procedures mandate that minors (under the age of 18) who are citizens or residents of Ecuador and who are traveling alone, with one parent, or with a third party must present to the migratory authorities of Ecuador a written authorization duly granted by the absent traveling parent(s) or legal guardian.


Here at EcuaAssist, you can grant a permit for your kids to travel outside of Ecuador, in three simple steps:

All the information required about your kids trip

Pay from the comfort of your home

Before an Ecuadorian Notary




Only $ 119.


SSL SECURE PAYMENTYour information is pr



What is a Permission of Exit of Minors?

Permission of Exit of Minors is a document that authorizes the exit of the country of a minor when the child is traveling alone, with one parent, or with a third party.

What identity document do I need to sign a Permission of Exit of Minors?

To sign a permission of exit of minors you need your cedula or passport. Documents as a driver’s license or other identification documents are not valid to sign a legal document.

When do I need to get a Permission of Exit of Minors?

It is necessary to obtain a permission of exit of minors when a minor needs to leave the country and is traveling just with one of his/her parents or is traveling alone or with a third party.

What information includes the Permission of Exit of Minors?

1. Full name of the child.

2. Full names of his/her parents or legal guardian.

3. Number of their identity cards.

4. Country of destination and the exact address where the child will stay.

5.  Route that the minor will use to travel.

6. With whom the child will be traveling and when the trip will be.

7. The expected time to stay abroad.

8. The purpose of the trip and who will pay for it.

Who does sign the Permission of Exit of the Minor?

The permission is signed by the absent parent or parents in the traveling of the minor.

Does the Permission of Exit of Minors needs to be signed in front of a notary officer?

The authorization for the exit of minor must be authenticated in a Notary office.


The notary officer will demand the presence of the parent who will remain in the country and who authorizes the departure of the minor, only with his mother or father; and also, the Notary officer will require the presence of the two parents, when it is intended that the minor 

leaves the country with a third person.

To whom should I show the minor's Exit Permit ?

The notarized authorization must be presented to the migration authorities at airports, ports or land borders.

Documents needed to sign a Permission of Exit of Minors:

Birth certificate of the minor or identity card.

Cedula or passport of the parents or legal guardian giving the permission.

Voting certificate of the parents or legal guardian giving the permission.

Date of departure from the country and date of return.

Reason for the trip and the address where the minor is going to stay.

Route by which you are traveling.

Request for authorization to leave the country signed by a lawyer and the petitioner or petitioners.

What can I do when the minor's Exit Permit is denied by one of the parents?

If one of the parents, for no apparent reason, denies the authorization for the minor to leave, the mother or father who wants to leave the country with the minor, assisted by a lawyer, may file a reasoned appeal before the competent judge, in order that it is the judge who decides if the minor can leave the country.


In the event that the judge issues such authorization, it replaces the notarized authorization.

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