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Ecuador Hospital Guide

These are just a few of the most advanced hospitals in Ecuador, boasting modern technology and highly qualified medical professionals.  Listed alphabetically by location:

Cuenca – Ecuador


Hospital Monte Sinaí

Hospital Monte Sinai
Phone: (593) 7-288-5595 / (593) 7-281-4813
Address: Miguel Cordero 6-111 y Avenida Solano


Hospital Universitario del Rio
Phone: (593) 7-245-9555
Address: Av. de las Américas y Av. 24 de Mayo (Autopista Cuenca-Azogues)


Hospital Santa Ines
Phone: (593) 7-282-7888
Address: Av Daniel Córdova T. 2-67 y Agustín Cueva



SOLCA – Oncological center in Quito

Hospital Metropolitano
Phone: (593) 2-399-8000 ext. 2153
Toll-Free Phone: 1-800-hmetro (463876)


Hospital de Especialidades Eugenio Espejo
Phone: (593) 2-223-0212/ (593)2-250-7919
Address: Av. Colombia


Hospital de Niños Baca Ortiz
Phone: (593) 2-222-0977/ (593) 2-222-0979
Adress: Av. Colón y 6 de Diciembre


For more detailed information on hospitals and clinics in Quito, click here.

Manabí – Ecuador


SOLCA – Oncological center in Portoviejo (1 hour from Bahía de Caráquez)

Hospital Miguel H. Alcívar
Phone: (593) 5-239-8008 / (593) 5-239-8002 / (593) 5-239-8006
Address: Diagonal al Parque, Leonidas Plaza, Bahía de Caráquez


Solca- Núcleo de Portoviejo
Phone: (593) 5-052-440-012 / (593) 5-052-440-013 / (593) 5-052-440-014
Address: Av. del Valle Manabí Guillem (Paso Lateral) - Portoviejo

Guayaquil – Ecuador


Children’s Hospital

Hospital Luis Vernaza
Phone: (593) 4-256-0300
Address: Loja No. 700 y Escobedo


Hospital de Niños R. Gilbert Elizalde
Phone: (593) 4-228-7310
Address:  Av. Pedro Menéndez Gilbert


Solca-Instituto Oncológico J.Tanca
Phone: (593) 4-228-1744
Address: Av. Pedro Menéndez Gilbert

What is SOLCA?

Sociedad de Lucha Contra el Cáncer del Ecuador - Society for the Fight Against Cancer in Ecuador


A highly respected national network of cancer hospitals with 5 principal locations and six “Committees of Friends” located throughout the country.

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